Master of a dream.
I want to close one short message very important and often asked question: on what mattress it is necessary to sleep that the body had as much as possible a rest and had a rest physiologically, i.e. without harm for a backbone, bodies and psychophysis…
It is necessary to tell that I devoted more than two years to studying of this question and experiments on myself since I long could not get rid of dorsodynias, but when understood and my back told me “thanks”; I found out here that:
1. Any competent orthopedic surgeon will tell you that it is the best of all to sleep on a rigid surface. The mattress should not “spring”, i.e. push away a body, and only slightly prominatsya under its weight. The spring mattress creates the constant tension of muscles and the body completely does not relax – a dream defective. I would add as specification here that: springs should be excluded. The rigidity of a mattress is regulated by filler: it is more than latex – is softer; it is more than coconut bark – is more rigid… On boards, of course, you should not sleep, but the mattress has to be the most rigid as far as you can yourself, it to allow that it was comfortable to lie. It will allow to correct a bearing and to reach the maximum relax = deep and sound sleep.
2. Twisted springs in a mattress create the magnetic fields influencing psychophysis of the person. They can be measured… but it is better to move away them from the bedroom. For deep relaxation, for the same reason, it is one night better to disconnect from network all equipment (TV, computers, audio and video the equipment, mobile phones)…
3. Important: as a part of a mattress there should not be a synthetics… Any… And that it is even more important, should not be as a part of bed linen (pay attention to elite bed linen from natural materials). And in order that in a mattress parasites (mold mushrooms, a dusty tick, etc.) were not got, between layers of filler do layers of hemp or juniper shaving…
4. Price/quality. The best mattresses which I saw, having gone round almost whole world – it is DUX in Switzerland, but they are not carried here, and to carry from Europe – more than 260,000 rubles the price turns out. But I took from them the video disk on which the cycle of production and structure of a mattress is well shown. It appeared – there is nothing superdifficult inside. It is thought just very well over and is qualitatively made. We managed to collect independently similar models of mattresses, having ordered filling in parts in the different companies. The price turns out about 40,000 rubles for a mattress. You can order a mattress (as well as a bed and any other furniture) from us, and can find analogs, one is important: attentively you watch structure, ask questions: where it is made from what? Remember that our market is crowded with toxic, unhealthy, low-quality furniture and accessories and also a lie about goods and services… For example, many mattresses, do of waste of low-standard foam rubber and other toxic materials; nobody measures the content of formaldehydes… Furniture from chipboard to be presented as elite, etc.
By the way, I had a rest somehow in Thailand, there in hotel there was a special “menu of pillows”… In the evening “the master of a dream” came told about different pillows (as at a tea ceremony in China) and selected to me a pillow for structure and the sizes for the best relaxation in a dream…
Shortly it did not turn out… Excuse…
In photos our mattresses. 100% ortopedichny; 100% natural and eco-friendly. It is checked on itself and friends…